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10 Reasons Why Runners Should Lift Weights

 This article was posted back in 2012. “10 REASONS” I have listed their 10 reasons below, with a few edits of my own. The main points are pretty good, I have added the takeaways from each point in case you don’t want to commit to reading the whole article.

Why runners should consider strength training.

1. Get Faster

Take away: Strength training will improve your pace and make you faster overall. An intense strength training program will produce best results.

2. Have a better final kick

Take away: Strength training will increase your speed. You'll have a better final kick with more fast, fatigue-resistant muscle fibers.

3. Decrease Body Fat

Take away: Although I believe strength training positively affects metabolism, and there is clearly some evidence to suggest it helps with weight loss efforts I still believe this won't have as great an impact as dietary change combined with strength training.

4. Improve Body Composition

Take away: It appears that the amount of muscle remains relatively constant when strength training and endurance training are combined. The two activities compliment each other in this context.

5. Prevent Injuries

Take awayStrength training improves structural balance and can help prevent injury and chronic pain. Feel better when you run!

6. Strengthen your 'core'

Take away: I don't agree with everything in this section, however the basic premise that intense, full body strength training sessions will address your spinal and abdominal muscles makes sense.  I feel the word 'core' is overused and misunderstood. I agree with one of their final statements which I'll paraphrase by saying, don't spend a lot of time worrying about your 'core'.

7. Increase Antioxidant Levels and Decrease Oxidative Stress

Take away: Strength training protects runners from the repeated damage of oxidative stress by raising antioxidant levels. 

8. Better Reproductive Health

Take away: Strength training will improve reproductive health and fertility in men and women who run. 

9. Better Insulin Health

Take away: Strength training improves insulin health and helps you recover from running by aiding in replenishment of energy stores. 

10. Best Results With Heavy Lifts and Slow Tempo

Take away: Runners new to lifting should develop base levels of strength and flexibility. Then, it's time to lift heavy with a slow tempo to maximize effectiveness and safety.

We have quite a few clients who like to run at OneUp fitness. We have heard on numerous occasions how their strength training regimes have benefited either their performance or have helped them overcome and prevent injuries.

If you are a runner and you feel this is a good next step, please don’t hesitate to speak to us about starting up a program tailored to your needs.

Happy running and good luck to those of you who are racing this year.



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