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Our first HITuni certified trainer!

We’d like to say congratulations to Quinn for completing the HITuni Continuing Professional Development course for personal trainers. A brief course description is below:

“The CPD Course will enable you to become a High Intensity Resistance Exercise Specialist enhancing your current skill-set as a Personal Trainer or Gym Instructor. This is an opportunity to expand and future-proof your Physical Training business with science and evidence based resistance exercise to provide exceptional results for both you and your clients. With this certification, you will attain a Specialism in High Intensity Resistance Exercise.”

The course entails 4 major sections:

  1. Transitioning into High Intensity Training
  2. High Intensity Training: Theory, Science & Practice
  3. Exercise Demonstrations
  4. Advanced Training techniques

There are multiple modules in each section and we are required to pass a quiz for each section. This is followed by a video thesis, which acts as a practical exam; and finally an interview with Simon Shawcross. Simon is one the UK's leading High Intensity Personal Trainers and co-author of several health and wellbeing related books, as well as the founder of HITuni. You can read more on their website here –> HITuni

Once again, congrats to Quinn, the first ever OneUp Fitness coach to become certified. Both Evan and myself are in the final stages of the course and hope to be certified by early fall. I will post an update when that happens.

email: matt@oneupfitness.dgstesting.com
phone: (902) 405-3661


50 Gary Martin Dr. Unit 230
Bedford, NS B4B 0N9

Phone: (902) 405-3661

Web: https://oneupfitness.com

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1535 Dresden Row, Unit 210
Halifax, NS B3J 3T1

Phone: (902) 405-3661

Web: https://oneupfitness.com

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